Christian Homeschool Blog
Homeschooling can be challenging! Our Christian homeschool blog delivers tips and tricks for homeschooling your children.

The Scarlet Letter Chapter 1 Summary & Study Guide
This free guide includes symbolism and analysis of The Scarlet Letter Chapter 1 summary. Expand your knowledge with the Total Language Plus study guide.

How to Make a Study Guide
Study guides can be an extremely helpful tool to organize and structure your learning. Learn how to make a study guide with this step by step guide.

College-Bound with TLP
I am often asked what titles a high school student should choose, but that answer depends on whether the student is seeking admission into a four-year university, a two-year junior college, a trade school or other option. This post is for college-bound young adults.

Self-Control--Who Me?
Homeschooling moms are the queens of self-control. No one tells us when to rise in the morning. We make our own lessons plans, then decide whether or not we will use them. Field trips on Friday? Skip math on Monday? The choices are ours.

Homeschooling Through Christmas
Guilt-free Homeschooling during the Christmas holiday. Don't let the holidays disrupt your carefully made homeschooling plans.

Attitude of Gratitude
It isn't difficult to find things to be thankful for. Even in difficult times, we can usually say the expected: we're thankful for God, for Jesus, for the Holy Spirit, the Bible, etc. If we dig just a little deeper, we add to the list: we're thankful for our children, for our husbands, for our parents.

Homeschool Calendar Organization
When organizing your homeschool calendar the goal is minimum organization for maximum results. Let's jump in and get to work!

Homeschool Lesson Plans
Learn 3 homeschool lesson planning options that work in this guide to lesson plan organization for homeschool students by Total Language Plus.

Organization and Flexibility: Can you have one without the other?
Organization provides the framework for reaching the important goal, but flexibility allows us to do so without losing our patience. Flexibility helps us retain our joy.

If We Only Knew What We Don't Know
I was supposed to write about organization, but recently something happened, and I can't pass up the opportunity to share about it.
My husband Terry and I were excited to go to the beach to dig razor clams. Obstacles prevented us from heading out as soon as we wanted, but we finally hitched up the camper and started out. We'd be able to dig clams on that evening's low tide if we hurried.

Organization (for the organizationally challenged): Part One, An Overview
Before jumping into the topic of organization, I need to state a disclaimer: I'm not an organized person, nor do I believe being organized makes one holy. I view organization as a necessary evil.
So why blog about it? Because neither am I a fan of chaos. For anything to get done in a timely manner, a plan is needed. There is a level of organization necessary if we are to succeed.

Charlotte Mason and TLP Part Two: "The Gentle Art of Learning."
I've stolen the phrase, "The Gentle Art of Learning," from Karen Andreola's book "A Charlotte Mason Companion," because it is the perfect description of how many believe we should educate our children. There is no valid reason for the strict schedules and rigid pre-set goals forced upon many students by arbitrary scope and sequences and standardized tests. Children are predisposed to learn, but this does not mean they thrill to be tested, or are interested in the same things a distant national organization deems appropriate.

Charlotte Mason and TLP Part One: Candles to be Lit
I've stolen the phrase, "The Gentle Art of Learning," from Karen Andreola's book "A Charlotte Mason Companion," because it is the perfect description of how many believe we should educate our children. There is no valid reason for the strict schedules and rigid pre-set goals forced upon many students by arbitrary scope and sequences and standardized tests. Children are predisposed”

The Reluctant Reader: NOT! Does My Child Read Too Much?
Some children read too much to replace their need for friends. They have no friends to drag them away, nothing else to distract them.

The Reluctant Reader and Thinking: Like Oil and Water
Homeschooling shouldn't alienate you from your children, yet you feel battle lines have been drawn.

The Reluctant Reader: The Importance of Narration
My favorite way to teach history is through such living books. Living books are not text books. They are never pedantic, never boring, never condescending.

Reluctance to Reading: Identify the Issue
If your child struggles to learn how to read, of course he is reluctant. You may need to back off. Definitely back off if he is under seven years old. Remember how we discussed the development of eye sight and other hindrances to learning to read? Continue reading aloud to him, but stop forcing him to perform. He isn't ready. If he is still striving unsuccessfully as a nine year old, it may be time to seek more help.

Reluctant Readers: Finding the Right Book, Part Two
It would be easier if we could say, "My children dislikes reading, so he doesn't have to read," in much the same way we can say, "My child doesn't enjoy baseball, so he doesn't have to play." Unfortunately that is not the case. Reading is a life skill. (Some might say baseball is, too, but that's another topic.) Not a day goes by that we don't read something, if only the label on a can of green beans.

Reluctant Readers: Finding the Right Book, Part One
This post covers working with the reluctant reader who can read, but doesn't enjoy it. Maybe even stronger than not enjoying, he really firmly dislikes reading.
Now what? Do you make him read anyway? It isn't fun for him, so is it a battle you want to fight?

Reluctant Readers: Not Unintelligent, Just Not Ready
What is one of the first things homeschooling moms want to teach their children? How to read! Yes! So, Mom is ready, but is Joe? A lot has to happen for a child to be ready to read, and intelligence itself is a minor factor. It's more about development. Development and intelligence are not the same thing.