Private Schools
Teacher’s Editions and Student Packets work well in co-op and classroom settings. This option is more cost-effective for learning environments with six or more students, and/or when the novel study will be taught more than one time.
Contents of Teacher's Edition
Detailed explanation of how program works
Sample lesson plans
Planning grid
Reproducible grammar worksheets
Reproducible glossary
Reproducible vocabulary tests
Reproducible book report form
Optional games
Field trip and hands-on suggestions
Critical and analytical thinking topics
Writing and discussion topics
Full-page answer keys
Teacher’s Editions come three-hole drilled, loose leaf, and shrink-wrapped.
Contents of Student Packets
Comprehension worksheets
Spelling worksheets
Vocabulary worksheets
Student Packets come three-hole drilled, loose-leaf, and shrink-wrapped. A minimum order of six per title is required. Student Packets are not sold individually and are not reproducible.
These titles are available in our Teacher’s Edition/Student Packet format
For a list of available titles and prices email