Where the Red Fern Grows Study Guide


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Student Study Guide for Where the Red Fern Grows

This Where the Red Fern Grows study guide workbook covers comprehension, spelling, vocabulary, grammar & enrichment ideas. As students read, they complete worksheets, writing topics, hands-on activities and field trips.

The Total Language Plus study guide for Where the Red Fern Grows is broken down into weekly units in which students read a section of the novel and answers comprehension questions pertaining to those chapters. Each unit contains a variety of critical thinking activities including projects, drawing, writing assignments, and a puzzles which correlate to chapters in the novel. Writing assignments apply concepts in the story to the student's life and many passages are chosen to emphasize Biblical lessons that relate to the story.

Barbara's Notes: This is so much more than a book about a boy and his dogs. While it contains plenty of adventure with a family focus, its spiritual principles are obvious and real. (Grades 5, 6, 7)

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Student Study Guide for Where the Red Fern Grows

This Where the Red Fern Grows study guide workbook covers comprehension, spelling, vocabulary, grammar & enrichment ideas. As students read, they complete worksheets, writing topics, hands-on activities and field trips.

The Total Language Plus study guide for Where the Red Fern Grows is broken down into weekly units in which students read a section of the novel and answers comprehension questions pertaining to those chapters. Each unit contains a variety of critical thinking activities including projects, drawing, writing assignments, and a puzzles which correlate to chapters in the novel. Writing assignments apply concepts in the story to the student's life and many passages are chosen to emphasize Biblical lessons that relate to the story.

Barbara's Notes: This is so much more than a book about a boy and his dogs. While it contains plenty of adventure with a family focus, its spiritual principles are obvious and real. (Grades 5, 6, 7)

Downloadable PDF only $25.95

Student Study Guide for Where the Red Fern Grows

This Where the Red Fern Grows study guide workbook covers comprehension, spelling, vocabulary, grammar & enrichment ideas. As students read, they complete worksheets, writing topics, hands-on activities and field trips.

The Total Language Plus study guide for Where the Red Fern Grows is broken down into weekly units in which students read a section of the novel and answers comprehension questions pertaining to those chapters. Each unit contains a variety of critical thinking activities including projects, drawing, writing assignments, and a puzzles which correlate to chapters in the novel. Writing assignments apply concepts in the story to the student's life and many passages are chosen to emphasize Biblical lessons that relate to the story.

Barbara's Notes: This is so much more than a book about a boy and his dogs. While it contains plenty of adventure with a family focus, its spiritual principles are obvious and real. (Grades 5, 6, 7)

Notes about this study guide

  • Welcome to Total Language Plus’s study guide for Where the Red Fern Grows. The story takes place in Oklahoma’s Ozark Mountains, near the Illinois River. You may wish to include a study of Oklahoma, animal training, hunting, or outdoor survival. The story is one of love and adventure, not easily forgotten.

    Our Biblical focus through this study is on answered prayer. The theme of the novel centers on love: the love a boy has for his dogs and the love each family member has for one another. Expect 6th grade students to be moderately challenged by the spelling, vocabulary, and comprehension and to be highly challenged by the critical thinking. 7th graders should find the spelling, vocabulary, and comprehension to be light, and the critical thinking to be challenging. There are a number of unique and fun activities listed under Projects in the Enrichment/Writing section. Plan to complete some of the suggestions; it will greatly add to the enjoyment of this study.

    The planning grid that follows is to assist scheduling the work. “Fern” is divided into seven units; therefore, it will take a minimum of seven weeks, probably ten or more weeks, to complete the study. Plan to read about ten to fifteen minutes daily, or approximately six to eight pages. When unit 1 is completed, move on to unit 2 and so on. Complete the “A” activities in each category, then move on to the “B” activities and so on. The “D” activities stress review, so it is important not to skip them.

  • This novel is a favorite of many readers; action and adventure abound. It will be so much more than a just good story, however, if you will take the time to think as you read. You will be challenged by the Personally Thinking questions, so take your time and reflect on those questions before rushing ahead with more reading. Remember, the goal is not to race through this book, but to learn life lessons from it, lessons that will be that much more meaningful because they were learned from such a wonderful story. You will know if you have thought deeply enough by your reactions to some of the events. If sadness is your only response, then you need to stop and take time for deeper reflection. Billy’s integrity, determination, and faith in God are impressive; read with your mind alert to what makes him a remarkable young man. Learn from Billy by thinking about his actions, words, and desires.

  • Be prepared: more than one family has found themselves the owners of hound dogs after studying this great adventure story. Billy is a great role model with his determination, thoughtfulness, and response to God’s action in his life.

    There are episodes of death and sadness in the story; you may wish to prepare tenderhearted children for those events.

    Children can complete most of the worksheets without prior teacher preparation, but in order for students to fully gain from this study, your input is essential. Plan for meaningful discussions inspired by the Personally Thinking section. Consider reading portions of the book aloud, stopping to discuss as you go. To really make the book come alive, attend a dog show or visit the dog pound. You will be cheating your students of valuable growth opportunities if you simply hand them the study guide and check it when it’s finished. As a mentor and teacher, your participation is invaluable.

    If you have questions on how to effectively use this study guide, you may wish to purchase our small Teacher’s Manual or speak with your local representative.

About the book: Where the Red Fern Grows

by Wilson Rawls

After working and saving for two years, Billy's dream of owning two coonhounds comes true. Through his experiences with the dogs, Billy learns about life, death, and prayer.

Book Summary — 249 pages

Book Category — Adventure

Theme — Love for family, dogs

Setting — Ozarks

Novel Study Highlights — 7 units

Spelling-Vocabulary — Medium

Critical Thinking — Difficult

Biblical Focus — Answered prayer

Related Studies — US geography, animal training, hunting, family values

Study Guide for Where the Red Fern Grows

Where the Red Fern Grows FAQs

  • Where the Red Fern Grows is appropriate for 5th-7th graders.

  • The theme of Where the Red Fern Grows is love for family and love for dogs.

  • The Biblical Focus of Where the Red Fern Grows is Answered prayer.

  • Review

    ratingValue : 5

    bestRating : 5


    name : Kathy von Duyke


    ratingValue : 4.9

    reviewCount : 141

Where the Red Fern Grows Study Guide PDF
Where the Red Fern Grows Novel