Bronze Bow (The) Study Guide PDF


by Elizabeth George Speare

Driven by hatred for the Romans, Daniel has vowed to see their destruction. His leader is amassing an outlaw force to defeat them, but Daniel has doubts when he hears a teacher from Nazareth preach about the Kingdom of God.

Barbara's Notes: This book is a must-read! We watch Daniel mature from living a life of revenge to feeling that just to know Jesus is life-fulfilling. (Grades 7, 8, 9)

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by Elizabeth George Speare

Driven by hatred for the Romans, Daniel has vowed to see their destruction. His leader is amassing an outlaw force to defeat them, but Daniel has doubts when he hears a teacher from Nazareth preach about the Kingdom of God.

Barbara's Notes: This book is a must-read! We watch Daniel mature from living a life of revenge to feeling that just to know Jesus is life-fulfilling. (Grades 7, 8, 9)

by Elizabeth George Speare

Driven by hatred for the Romans, Daniel has vowed to see their destruction. His leader is amassing an outlaw force to defeat them, but Daniel has doubts when he hears a teacher from Nazareth preach about the Kingdom of God.

Barbara's Notes: This book is a must-read! We watch Daniel mature from living a life of revenge to feeling that just to know Jesus is life-fulfilling. (Grades 7, 8, 9)

More Information

Book Summary — 254 pages

Book Category — Historical fiction

Theme — Forgiveness, love

Setting — Palestine, 30-33 AD

Novel Study Highlights — 7 units

Spelling-Vocabulary — Medium

Critical Thinking — Difficult

Biblical Focus — Knowing Jesus

Related Studies — Roman Empire, Old Testament prophecies, Old World geography, Jewish traditions

The Bronze Bow Study Guide
Bronze Bow (The) Novel