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To Read Or Not To Read--Never the Question

Are you back to school now that the holidays are over? Do you feel revived and recommitted to your homeschooling journey? Perhaps you added "read more" to your New Year's resolutions.


I know you've heard the importance of reading stressed over and again, but that's because it is so very important. I mean Really Important. In the next few weeks we're going to delve into reading more deeply. Come along with us as we share practical suggestions on how to get more out of your child's reading time, how to encourage your reluctant reader, and ways to improve comprehension.

We can begin now:

Tip 1:

Let your children see you reading--and enjoying it. Don't enjoy fiction? Don't have time for books? Find a magazine that caters to your hobbies or special interests. We do our young children a disservice if the only reading they see us do is on a screen. I have an iPad in which there are--dare I say it?--hundreds of books stored. But the screen is not good for developing eye sight of those younger than twelve years old.

Our young children need the tactile feel of paper in their hands. When they see you reading a magazine or book, they receive the message that reading is a pleasurable activity. If nothing else pleases you, if there are no magazines, no newspapers, no nonfiction or fiction books you can force yourself to read, then I guess, there is always the Word of God.

Gracious Father, we bow before your throne, giving you honor and glory for who you are. Please see us through the blood of Jesus, our savior, forgive our sins and hear our prayer. Equip us to homeschool our children. Please grant us wisdom, patience and perseverance. Lead us. We come to you because of Jesus. Amen.